Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Only Four? Wait, that sounds about right...

These four smiling and anonymous people were part of the reason I was able to keep from driving off a proverbial cliff while at my last job. They were friendly (but not overly so) and quiet and punctual. They knew where they wanted to go, they knew how to get there and, most importantly, they found out these things BEFORE climbing aboard a bus and riding towards some random destination. In short, these four good folks were most definitely NOT ass-hats. They were the good ones. Sadly, these four peeps were the ONLY good ones on a run that normally has up to 40 mouth breathers on it. Thank you, thank you guys for being good ones- not once did any of you ever piss me off and for that, I thank you. BTW, clockwise from top-left these guys are: Gets On @ Park and Ride, Gets Off @ Park and Ride, Happy and Has A Son That Does BMX Racing, and lastly, Gets on @ WTC and Occasionally Sits With A Hottie College Student.

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