Thursday, January 11, 2007

Far, Far Away

... so much for my 'PG-13' blog, lol...
(Sorry about the StarWars erotica being up for so long, lol)

A Baby-Doll T-Shirt For The Wife

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


It occurred today that it's more of a pilgrimage of sorts, more or less a ‘Journey To The Center Of Chris And His Asshat Motivations”.

Anyways, for whatever reasons, here are the projected dates:

Report to in-processing 17 January.

Begin BMT @ Ft. Sill, OK, 26 January.

Begin AIT @ Ft. Sam Houston, TX, (fricken TEXAS again!) 16 April.

Return to loving family and friends on or around 10 August. (Swimsuits and hamburger buns, yay!)

More to come


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