Wednesday, September 20, 2006


An awesome thing happened to me this morning… “Something wonderful” as my good chum Dave Bowman would have put it. One of the reasons I have for wanting to lose weight was the fact that I could no longer put on my wedding band… in fact, it has been more than two-and-a-half years since I was able to, not since my last shot at quitting smoking. This morning I was able to, without the help of any kind of lubricant, put the dern thing on again. I cannot describe the feeling of elation I got from seeing that gold band on my finger again, feeling its weight and remembering the way it would rub against the two surrounding fingers. I used to play with my ring occasionally, as many of us do. I would cross my palm with my thumb and use it to manipulate the ring or to simply spin it, absentmindedly, in the dent or valley created by its constant presence. It was a familiar feeling, comforting and pleasant even after years of disunion.
Sadly, it was short-lived. You see, the white indention that most people have from the various rings they wear was gone making the ring still a bit uncomfortable for me. But, not to worry, it was positive sign that I was able to slip it on at all, let alone without dish soap or hand lotion greasing the way. It so encouraged me that, after only a little bit of waffling, I jumped into the fricken’ cold pool to do the aerobic portion of my workout. Soon I will be able to put the ring on for good and I swear that little bastid is a-gonna stay on there this time.
Soon, my precious, soooooon....

1 comment:

Wolfman said...

It's interesting, the way a little piece of shiny metal grafts itself to your soul.


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