Monday, September 11, 2006

Candy is Delicious

I'm working my 'happy thoughts' thing but it's not really going so well. You see, I had a 50/50 weekend. Yeah, I know, ‘new leagues of fellowship’, fun and discovery, yadda-yadda-yadda. We had all of that stuff this weekend, plus we celebrated my wife’s birthday on Sunday and I came to an important decision early Monday morning. There were just a few aspects of this weekend’s interactions that left me feeling, well, unvalued and credulous. Don’t get me wrong; this won’t have a substantial effect on the associations I’ve come to prize as I try really hard to not be the guy who’s behavior and opinions are influenced by the behaviors of the peeps around him. It’s also safe to say that my feelings on this matter are probably being… er, aggravated by what I’m doing today.

In any case, wish me luck=) You can send happy energy my way by occasionally telling strangers and friends alike, “The urge to smoke will pass whether you smoke or not.”


Unknown said...

If I'm one of the associations that left you unvalued and credulous, I hope you'll talk to me about it.

And happy thoughts your way on the no smoking bits

artisticeinstein said...

Smoking is bad and want to be clean!! At least that's what I heard human trash say to other human trash once. (Not to say either of us is such.) Being un-PC has it's downfalls.

Shel said...
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Shel said...

With all of the effort that you've put into getting your body into shape lately, it would seem totally silly to keep putting all of that toxic crap into your body. You're making the right decision. Just remember during the next couple of weeks that 90% of the time when you think someone is being a jerk... it's probably YOU! I still have a bunch of "supplies" that I got when we quit smoking if you think you might need them. Can't guarantee how fast I can get to the PO, but they are yours if you want them. Hang tough! Love ya! xoxo


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