Sunday, February 19, 2006

I have decided.

Sort of. Alright, let me start of by saying that I simply do not understand racial prejudice and intolerance. At all. Maybe it comes from an enlightened state of being brought on by growing up in a multi-cultural household. Or, maybe it comes from living (for the most part) in the 2nd most liberal leaning state in this great union. Perhaps it just comes from watching Star Trek my whole life, I mean, c’mon, when was the last time you saw an Aryan Nation booth at a trek-con? However I come to it, I seem to have a fairly broad tolerance for the differences between myself and people of other cultures and races.

Now. With that out of the way, let me say that I am very close to aligning myself with the far right and declaring that radical, Islamic, militant fanaticism needs to be stamped out. I mean, at what point do the arguments for tolerance, cultural diversity and freedom of religion become moot? At what point does the world, as a community, say that the violence happening in the house next-door needs to be stopped? When do we, as socially conscious citizens, decide that the protection of innocents supersedes the moral imperative of being tolerant of a group practicing their religion? I don’t know, but if we are not there yet then I think we are approaching that time quickly.

I am neither dim nor reactionary and I am familiar with many of the arguments but because of the unusual (for me) way I feel in this matter I can’t help but think that there is something fundamental I’m missing here. And so I am asking for your opinions on this. Please. Because moral dilemmas suck and I would appreciate your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Your sort of mixing two ideas it seems here though. The idea that radical religious groups, of any faith, who seek to harm others should be stopped is a sane and rational thought. The idea that Islam has anything to do with it is where it breaks down. Their religion is no more violent or tolerant of violence then any others. It's just that there are many radical sub-groups that are doing some pretty horrendous things right now. Sort of like when millions were killed in the name of Christ. It's not that Christianity is the problem as much as nut jobs who use these ideals to justify their nut jobby behaviour. Couple this with a group that feels, whether justly or unjustly, that the world is out to destroy them and you get more and more that are willing to listen to the nut jobs.

Anonymous said...

kill them all and let God sort them out.



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