Wednesday, September 26, 2007
And So It Is... Again
This morning, while getting the boyos ready for school, I took a few moments to myself and sat on my back porch drinking my coffee and noticing (one again) how much steam was coming off of my beloved pool. This occurs when the ambient temperature outside is far cooler than the temperature of the pool's water and while it looks neat, what with the whole 'having a miniature Scottish moor in my backyard' it also served as a potent reminder that the summer is indeed over and the pool is far too cold to get into and have nearly-naked fun in.
Sad but true.
All is not downer-town however as the falling mercury and the shortening days acts as a herald for my favorite time of year, fall. The leaves are nice, the coming holidays are great and the smell of woodsmoke is damn-near an aphrodisiac for me but the thing I like the best is the cold. That's me, I like the cold. Not Oklahoma-cold, mind you, California-cold... just take my word for it, there is a world of difference between the two. I would sometimes muse (between wondering if my fingers would ever work properly again and trying to decide if my battle-buddy was succumbing to hypothermia) if the residents of Oklahoma had in some way angered God and that simply being in Oklahoma was some kind of punishment right outta the Old Testament.
Anyways, I like it when it's cold. I like snuggling under warm, heavy blankets. I like making those warm comfort foods that are so impractical during the summer months like homemade soups, stews and roasts.
This fall will also bring with it joyous events (as seasons often do) like my youngest son's birthday, Halloween and the birth of my dear friends' newest child. If we are all very lucky another dear friend will visit from across the country to decide for herself if the left coast is all its cracked up to be.
In any case it's easy for me to be optimistic in my point of view, at least as far as the few things I've mentioned go which is unusual in and of itself as 'optimism' and 'Chris' are not generally paired with each other , not in any positive way, generally. Truth be told, I've always been a bit pessimistic in my out view (at least, in the George Will sense) and, since the truth is being told, dour. That's okay, I have high hopes for the future and I've learned that faith and faithfulness can get you a long, long way in this world. Just don't forget to pack your band-aids... and wear a cup.
Only 31% Dumb / Dork/ Awkward? Don't you believe it.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
An Easter Return
Easter Greetings, all. I hope this holiday Sunday finds you all happy and relatively comfortable. I am having a pretty good day, personally. Actually, all of my days have been pretty good as of late… you know, everything being relative and all.
Why is everything so peachy for me? Well, for one thing, I am now able to talk to my family every day, and for me, that’s a very good thing. The other day my darling wife sent me my wedding band in the hope that I had lost enough weight at Ft. Sill to be able to put it on. Well, friends, on my finger it now resides and forever there it shall remain. For just under four years it’s been staying put, quietly passing the time in drawers or on a hook near my workstation and whenever I would run cross it, it would always feel as though a piece of my soul were detached. Four freakin’ years! Never again, lol.
On a more materialistic level, I got my hands on this zippy new laptop and broadband card! Also, I’m not getting yelled on every dern day for other people’s mistakes. That’s a big win for me. Also-also, I was able to spend a bit of time with my darling wife, in the flesh, so to speak. It was awesome, definitely the high point of the year.
I don’t know how much longer all this relative freedom and happiness will last (it’ll probably end rather abruptly this Friday and go back to the way it was for a few weeks) but while it lasts I’m a-gonna take advantage of it. Phone calls, e-mails, letters, comics, books (Thx Ev and J) and movies are in my future, you know, along with push-ups, boots and classes.
Thank you to everyone who wrote and sent happy thoughts to me while I was in that awful place (Oklahoma was and is pretty sucky)as I honestly believe it was your support more than anything internal to me that got me through it. Thank you thank you thank you.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
It occurred today that it's more of a pilgrimage of sorts, more or less a ‘Journey To The Center Of Chris And His Asshat Motivations”.
Anyways, for whatever reasons, here are the projected dates:
Report to in-processing 17 January.
Begin BMT @ Ft. Sill, OK, 26 January.
Begin AIT @ Ft. Sam Houston, TX, (fricken TEXAS again!) 16 April.
Return to loving family and friends on or around 10 August. (Swimsuits and hamburger buns, yay!)
More to come