Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank you Trav, it's good to hear from you=)

My good chum Trav recently shared an awesome little ditty by Norm Sherman detailing the dangers of industrial waste, atomic testing and the Japanese monster movie sub-culture. The song is called "Radioactive Runaways" and its definitely worth checking out. Very clever lyrics and expert guitar craft combine to tell a humorous tale and iff'n it brightens your day a bit (as it did mine) be sure to send both the artist and Trav a little good ju-ju in way of thanks.

Listening to a song about a monster battle royal in the streets of Tokyo caused me to reflect on all the interesting and excellent music I have been exposed to in the past few years. This, in turn, reminded me of another pastime of mine- sort of a musical hobby I have where I am constantly on the look out for covers, the acoustic guitar variety in particular. Here is a small sample:

I begin with this young lady because the combination of her talent, her chosen surroundings and the look on her face give the impression that she is expressing actual sentiment rather than singing simply for the sake of hearing herself which, to me, is always worth a few extra points. Regardless of whether my interpretation of her 'tude is correct, it pleases and comforts me to share this little bit with the few people in my life who I know enjoy this song. Btw, this young lady's sobriquet is thebathroomgirl and she has quite a few covers and original pieces on her site... they are all worth investigating.

Hey Ya -covered by Obadiah Parker. I recently heard Ted's rendition of this cover on an episode of 'Scrubs' and while I always enjoy Sam Lloyd's musical stylings, Matt Weddle's version is still my fav.

Flagpole Sitta -covered by Julia Nunes. I was introduced to this artist as my friend Brian's "Ukulele-playing girlfrend who lives in the internets".

The Climb -covered by Tiffyiffyiffy. The other night Blonde-girl and Angry-girl were both waxing rhapsodic about a Miley Cyrus song they had heard so when I noticed that one had been covered (and greatly appreciated) I thought I would give it a shot. While I enjoy this cover, I have yet to hear the original and it's not likely I will unless something extrordinary occurs.

3AM -covered by Mike McBee. While I've never been a big fan of Matchbox20, I find myself really enjoying this young man's soulful rendition.

Brothers in Arms -covered by MrLoupiot. Although his ability to sing is far outweighed by his impressive guitar craft I still found myself listening to this cover over and over. It serves as a potent (and painful) reminder of the limitations laid upon me by The Cosmos and my own filthy, clumsy human hands.

Fast Car Acoustic Guitar Lesson -brought to you by Handsome Alvin. The lesson is so comprehensive and yet easily followed it's now distracting me from my current project.

*To Rabbit: I hope you noticed that 3 of the 7 artists listed here are female.


*To There4: I hope you noticed that 3 of the 7 artists listed here are aZn.


*To Tanner: Thank you for introducing me to James Blunt. You shipped out almost immediately after we graduated from whiskey w/10thMTN and that was the last I have heard of you. Wherever you are, battle, I hope you are well.

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