Wednesday, December 27, 2006

More Than Meets The... sigh...

My oldest son and I watched the new Transformers movie trailer this morning and he is, sadly, enthusiastic. I'm sure you will agree that the event will be stunning visually but for my money it already shows the hallmarks of a crass, soulless, money-grubbing, idiotic escapade. And of course I'll go see it. I will sit in the theater with my friends and my children and I will drink it in knowing that this is the best we are likely gonna get. And a small piece of me will perish during the event, a victim of disappointment and compromise.

btw, my son and I can name damn-near all of the G-1 and -2 Transformers and we could only recognize 2 of em from this trailer... the rest looked like an evil bastardization of Gundam, Gobots (oh, the friggin' humanity) and those crappy claymation robots from Robot Jox.

...of Michael Bay

There can be no doubt: the man has been lobotomized. Indeed, there is no man left. The meat continues to twitch, electrical accidents birthing grotesque jerks in the unknowing beef. It speaks! But it does not give us language. It is like unto the wind blowing through a pile of skulls.


HAMMER said...

i'm so sorry you have to sit through it, i'm just going to give the kid some $$$, so he can see it and then he can tell me how it was.
and i'm not, gloating realy im not
dont forget the popcorn

HAMMER said...



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