Well, today marked a milestone for me in my war against my waist. This morning I went ahead and bought smaller underwear for the first time since, er, ever. After visiting with Dr. John yesterday and hearing that my BP and my weight both dropped nicely (222 lbs!!!! 27 lbs I’ve dropped so far!) I felt that mini-congrats were in order so I celebrated by getting new underwear. Yay.
Today is also the first day I’ve felt my new tattoos were healed enough for comfortably resuming my workout schedule. Working out, for me, is becoming something akin to having sex. While I’m sure this isn’t in any way a new concept, the similarities only recently became apparent to me. You got your nearly naked sweating bodies grunting and exerting, first only minimally but building gradually to a strenuous ending. You got your little victories at the end of a particularly satisfying encounter. You also get that great endorphin-induced euphoria at the end and, if you are with someone you care about, you get to share in their little victories as well. While you can certainly go it alone (or, as my junior-high buddies called it, “rollin’ solo”) it’s just not the same as when you have a partner. =)
Also, I find that if I am interrupted or disturbed in any way, I get that sense of longing and restlessness that can only be cured by working out in another way (see above), getting into a fight or by hitting myself in the head with a hammer until the feeling passes. A cold shower will also work in a pinch.
Oh, and last Saturday the missus and I went to see "Snakes on a Plane", and it was great! It was everything I expected it to be and a bit more, which is always nice. Anyways, iffn’ you are looking for some good, mindless summer fun, SoaP has it all. Ridiculously implausible plot? Check. Sam Jackson yelling the f-word? Check. Snakes going apeshit on a plane? Check. Boobies? Check. (2 big fake ‘checks’ there)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Grrr… Argh…
There’s no doubt about it, the zombie genre rocks. I love that the entertainment industry has rediscovered what you and I already knew: that zombies and those that fight against their ravenous, decomposing asses are cooooool. Movies, comics, video games, board games, cartoons and even music have all been infected. Right now, I’m waiting for a low-rent 3D remake of Night of the Living Dead, even if it falls squarely into the ‘crappy movie’ category… at least according to The Formula that is.
In any case, instances of the living dead seem to be on the rise… and for my money, that’s just fine=) I recently, er, aquired a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks and the little bit I’ve read so far is awesome, like something the Ministry of Homeland Security would print up, lol! Oh sure, you scoff now, but when legions of the undead start roaming the streets of YOUR neighborhood, you guys will be like, “Uh, what was the name of that author again? C’mon Bittorrent!”
Btw, iffn’ you haven’t given Shaun of the Dead a chance yet, you should! It’s just a wonderfully witty indie bit from those great folks that brought us “Spaced”. Filled with humor, genre references and just the right amount of gore, this one is not to be missed.
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In any case, instances of the living dead seem to be on the rise… and for my money, that’s just fine=) I recently, er, aquired a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks and the little bit I’ve read so far is awesome, like something the Ministry of Homeland Security would print up, lol! Oh sure, you scoff now, but when legions of the undead start roaming the streets of YOUR neighborhood, you guys will be like, “Uh, what was the name of that author again? C’mon Bittorrent!”
Btw, iffn’ you haven’t given Shaun of the Dead a chance yet, you should! It’s just a wonderfully witty indie bit from those great folks that brought us “Spaced”. Filled with humor, genre references and just the right amount of gore, this one is not to be missed.
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Thinking About Ink
Ink Concepts
As the people who are close to me know, I’ve been looking for a tattoo design for a while now and have had no luck whatsoever with my search. All the tattoos out there on the net seemed too silly, too vulgar, too impersonal or too generic. Nothing leapt out at me and hollered, “Me! Me! You want ME on your back forever!” With d-day approaching and an agreement between Evan and myself looming over me, I finally decided that I needed help. The problem was, I didn’t have the first clue what I wanted. I knew I wanted something reflective of myself, a simple design without pretension that was symbolic of some of my core values. (It should be noted here that the author, in a nerdiness fervor, nearly convinced himself to scrap the whole ‘symbolic values’ motif and simply get the symbol of Captain Marvel tattooed on his back. THIS is precisely why you should NEVER decide on a tattoo whilst drinking… it still sounds very kewl to him tho, possibly for a second tattoo)
Salvation came the other day though when I roughed out a crude representation of what was floating in my head and gave it to my artist friend. He took the cave drawing home and promised to put some thought into a design and we would figure it out from there. Then last weekend while we were playing cards at my place, my artist friend starts sketching out a design right there. And it clicked. That was it! Well, the beginning of ‘it’ anyways. With that bit of inky magic set more firmly in my mind I was able to cobble together this rough photoshop design that is very close to what I want and with a little more work it may be perfect. As always, any comments or advice are welcome=)
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