Friday, July 07, 2006

Yay Boobs!

At long last, my curvaceous friend Sierra has posted a body-shot on her blog. What makes this interesting to me (besides the brobdingnagian proportions of the body parts in question) is the fact that she seems genuinely astounded by their size, as though they had somehow snuck up on her=)
Rest assured, Sierrra, that this is a surprise to no one who has worked with you… as a matter of fact I remember many times as we talked in your office I would force myself to look at something else (ANYthing else) to keep from staring at you like the deranged pervert I am. This was not always easy, as your office is small and between you, me and your boobs it often felt crowded=)


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! Ok that made me laugh a lot!

Shel said...

Hey! Good to see you posting again! I also want to point out that the quality of posts seem to have improved dramatically!!!! Yay for boobies! Thanks, Sierra for sharing! Love ya. xoxo


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