Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Magic and Kung-fu

Thanks to the magic of TiVo, this morning the wife and I just finished watching a new episode of Scrubs where Turk and The Todd fought off a horde of masked ninja-surgical residents vying for the favor of their superior, Dr. Wen. This, more than anything else, has helped me decide on a fresh resolution for 2006. This year I will, by the grace of God, lose weight and get into shape for the sole purpose of filming a short grind house, Bruce Lee-esque kung-fu fighting sequence. Don’t get me wrong- I still have the old stand-by resolutions like: Stop smoking, don’t let dust settle on my guitar, read the entire works of an author writing in a different language, learn to play Yu-Gi-Oh properly etc. But this one I’m really excited about and so I’m inviting you, my hypothetical reader, to join me in this noble cause- participation, advice and opinions are most welcome and together we WILL fight off an evil horde of robot-jedi-ninjas before the years end.

Kung-fu in ’06!

-oh, and I also resolve to nail Mila Kunis this year... 'cause there should always be an element of wishful thinking and absurd optimism in any new-year's resolution.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray for Scrubs. I so loved that scene, and the scene where Turk sung the Safety Dance to Carla...

Hey, weight loss is a part of my willpower resolution. We should work on it together


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