Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sex & The Male Mind

As I am terribly bored and currently have no one to torture here in the clinic, I thought that I would write my next posting for you, my hypothetical chum.

It occurred to me that I have never detailed my experiences with There4 and his favorite shake-joint. I shall correct this at once.

Now, you wouldn’t know it to look at him but There4 is fairly experienced at the whole strip-bar culture thing whereas I have only gone just a few times. (And have never been all that impressed, btw) By day, he is a mild-mannered Asian guy with a penchant for Warhampster, but, following him into this particular establishment you will witness a startling transformation. When he rolls into the joint, he does so in true rock-star fashion, my hand to God. All the employees know him by his strip-club pseudonym and he is immediately escorted to his favorite spot… by the stage, of course. The waitress hurries over and, just as often as not, the dancers will buy him drinks.

-just an aside here: as you may or may not know, none of the dancers or wait staff use their real names when introducing themselves. Its always a stage name in order to throw off the creeps and weirdoes that frequent those places. In response to this, I decided that I (and everyone that came with me) should not only have a stage name themselves but also an entire back story ready to go at a moments notice. For example: My name was ‘Gunnar Johansen’ (sEn, not sOn, mind you) from Queensland, Australia, mate. Yeah. My accent, while far from perfect (I would drift between a Monty Python ‘G’day, Bruce’ aussie accent to a decidedly Mike Myers-esque Scottish brogue) was in the very least fluid enough to keep up all night. That wasn’t the hard part… I’ll get to the hard (heh) part in just a moment.

The evening begins with scantily-clad girls sidling up to the table and sitting on a random lap. I should state that there were several ladies here that Ther4 was on a more-than-friendly basis with and whoever wasn’t dancing or schmoozing some poor Joe would be planted at the table.

Now, just for clarification, let me say this: Some of the awful stereotypes you have heard about strippers are true, although there were a couple… say ‘Autumn’ for example, that turned out to be real sweethearts and with whom I now have a lasting friendship. It was ‘Autumn’ btw that after she started dating a friend of mine and realizing my discomfort with her nakedness (naked-ity?), delighted in torturing me with her presence. Nude. In a very, very not-clothed way. She would sit on my lap (something she had never done until she recognized my discomfort) and ask for advice on various musculo-skeletal issues, the answers to which would often require a ‘hands-on’ explanation. Now, anyone who knows anything about what I do for the army knows that it is ALL very hands-on, all very physical. You have to be comfortable with your personal space in order to do anything effectively in PT. Needless to say, there was a lot of pantomime involved, all of it very ‘hands-above-the-table’, if you will.

-Here’s a great question that I never thought I would have to ask: Have any of you men out there ever tried to keep an erection from happening for a prolonged period of time? Like, for over an hour? Its sort of the erectile equivalent of an endurance sport. Like soccer, really.

On one particular occasion (the very last time I went, as a matter of fact) I got to witness what can only be described as a ‘stripper feeding frenzy’. I was broke from having to buy a Passat and my good chum There4 was flush and he wanted to go ‘make it rain’ but didn’t want to go alone. So there I was with There4 buying my drinks (and a bunch of drinks for the ladies too) when I realized there was hardly anyone in the club with us. The ladies must have noticed this as well as they all began to congregate around our table. I looked up and There4 was nowhere to be found. He had ambled off to chat up a bartender he liked leaving me, penniless, at the mercy of voracious strippers.

-It should be noted here that there are rules for going to strip club, the first of which I have already mentioned. There second is this: if you enjoy the naked-osity of the ladies dancing (or whatever) then you MUST pay. Normally, it works like this- If you are looking up at the stage and the dancer makes eye contact with you, you are then obligated to approach the stage and show your appreciation by way of dollar bills. You see? Looking at the stage means you were enjoying the show, enjoying the show means you have to pay. The trick is to enjoy the show WITHOUT making eye contact with the dancer, that is, unless you WANT to go up and tip her and perhaps get a little extra for your efforts. It should also be noted here that while some of the dancers were friends of ours (and sweetie-pies to boot) none of the nice ones were working there that night. Yikes.

I gently extricated myself from the gyrating horde and found my wayward friend who, after a bit of explaining, convinced me that I needed to play the ‘bad guy’ and rescue him from the women who were circling his table by proclaiming that I needed him to take me back to the bay as I had yadda yadda yadda to do in the morning. The plan went off without a hitch until I proclaimed that he needed to take me back to the bay in front of the ladies.

In retrospect, I am able to visualize the scene and describe it like this: It was like a shot out of a Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom episode where the female lions had already injured the prey and were taking turns running it down. The gazelle’s only chance is to reach the safety of the river bank but the water’s edge is soooo far away and the lionesses are fast and hungry.

In the end, the leader (the ALPHA-stripper, if you will) bartered a settlement in which we would be allowed to leave but only after we had tipped every woman at the table, the rationale being that we saw them all nekkid and therefore owed them for the service. Thankfully There4 stepped up and paid my portion as well as his own as I was totally prepared to trip him as I ran out of the place, leaving him to the lionesses and humping it back to the bay.

It shouldn’t be a wonder to you, dear reader, why I didn’t go back. The good news is that I got to see my dear friend ‘Autumn’ one last time before we headed north. Karaoke saves the day, once again.

Color Me Distracted

Two names you go by: Taylor, Poppy
Two things you are wearing right now: Dog tags, white socks.
Two of your favorite things: Hmmm... People I love & medicine.
Two things you want very badly at the moment: Contact & to be free of worry.
Two favorite pets you have/had: Duke (dog) & Oscar (cat).
Two things you did last night: Worked on my paper & did my ‘CPT Loro’ workout.
Two things you ate today: A 90 calorie protein bar and... then another protein bar.
Last two people you talked to: Therefore and a patient.
Two things you plan on doing tomorrow: Hitting the gym & getting some Vietnamese food.
Two longest trips taken in the last five years: A road trip from San Antonio, TX to West Point, NY by way of Luckenbach, TX – Athens, GA – Atlantic City, NJ.
Two favorite holidays: Lent and Halloween.
Two favorite beverages: Green Tea & red wine.

100 Things About Me

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I prefer them closed but simply for cosmetic reasons.

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?

Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
Done what? I’m not exactly sure what’s being implied here=)

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Yes... although not lately and there are many, many more I would like to have for my very own.

Are you eating anything right now?

Who do you think reads these?
I’m not sure anyone reads these... at least, not in their entirety.

Do you have a calendar in your room?
Other than the one in the lower right hand corner of my computer? Nope.

Where are you?
Alone in NY.

What's your plan for the day?
I’m going to eat a light lunch then I’m going to return to torturing patients for my own amusement.

Are you reading any books right now?
No, the only stuff I’m reading nowadays is medical journals and field manuals.

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
I do, sadly. I count paces when I walk and run.

Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yes, indeed.

Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
There always seems to be music playing in my head so sometimes I find myself bopping along to music no one else can hear.

What is your "Song of the Week"?
The DJ Erb mix of Gimme Some Lovin’ by The Blues Brothers and Low by FloRider

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
It’s not pink! It’s SALMON.

Do you still watch cartoons?
I don’t have anything in particular against cartoons but, no, not really. I’ll probably watch WALL*E when it comes out.

Whats your favorite love movie?
Hmmm... A.I.

What do you drink with dinner?
Water with lemon or green tea.

What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
Yow... I try not to eat chicken nuggets.

What is your favorite food/cuisine?
Asian cuisine.

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Fight Club, Sin City, Big Trouble in Little China... too many to count, really.

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Wow... in a different world and in a different body, perhaps.

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I write letters occasionally, more lately than ever before... I just don’t send them.

Can you change the oil in a car?

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Yes, before my OCD started dictating my driving habits.

Run out of gas?

Favorite kind of sandwich?
There’s a great Vietnamese Baguette that I’ve been lovin’ on lately.

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Supplements, a protein bar and a bottle of water.

What is your usual bedtime?
It depends on when I have to get up in the morning... I like to get 7-8 hrs of sleep a night.

Are you lazy?
I often try to be.

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Ninjas, mostly.

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?

Are you stubborn?
I try to be reasonable, but, yeah, I guess I’m a bit stubborn.

Who is better Leno or Letterman?
Letterman... not that I watch either of these 2 guys or anything, Leno has always seemed to be a pretender after Jonny Carson.

Ever watch soap operas?

Afraid of heights?
My dear, yes.

Sing in the car?

Dance in the car?
No, but wouldn’t it be interesting if I could?

Ever used a gun?

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Some musicals ARE cheesy... some are clever.

Is Christmas stressful?

Favorite type of fruit pie?

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A pilot, hands down. Then I grew up and realized that I hate flying.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
Continuously, although it seems to benefit me in no way what so ever.

Do you take a vitamin daily?

Wear slippers?
Just shower shoes.

Wear a bath robe?

What do you wear to bed?

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?
None of the above.

Nike or Adidas?
Nike, they make very nice running shoes.

Cheetos Or Fritos?
Fritos, mixed together into a Frito-chili pie.

Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Peanuts... mixed into a diet Coke.

Ever hear of "gorp"?
The owrld according to...? nope, that’s something else.

Ever taken karate?

Can you curl your tongue?

Ever won a spelling bee?

Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

Own a record player?
I think there is one in my backyard still.

Ever been in love?
A few times.

Hot tea or cold tea:
Both, in their proper times and places.

Tea or coffee?
See above.

Favorite kind of cookie?
My dear friend, Rabbit, makes a cookie that I am head over heels in love with.

Can you swim well?
I do swim well.

Can you hold your breath without manually holding your nose?

Are you patient?
Not as such, no.

Ever had plastic surgery?

Which are better black or green olives?
Green... good with martinis, good in meatloaf.

Can you knit or crochet?
No, but I can apply a running suture if you need me to.

Wash room or bathroom?

Do you want to get married?
I am married.

Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No, I generally just figure out a way to get what I want.

Do you have kids?

Do you want kids?
More? Hmmm.

Who do you wanna see right now?
Many, many folks, my boyos most especially.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Candy is Delicious

It’s a bit slow here in the clinic this afternoon so I thought I’d share with you, my hypothetical reader, a few of the things that have been going on here in my world.

With the vast majority of cadets on vacation or doing training off-post during first block, we are left with only a handful of ‘brokens’ to (have to deal with) help rehabilitate. That’s just fine by me, at least in the short term, as I have another class to prepare and deliver. This time it’ll be on Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS), another lower extremity malady that I am personally acquainted with. I am a bit reluctant to bring up my symptoms as the orthopedic surgeons here all seem a bit bored and are all too eager to cut a brother open. No thanks, guys; I’ve gots stuff to do, not the least of which is being prepared for the EFMB come October.

Lets see, what’s been going on since my last update? Ah, I am now stationed at the US military academy at West Point, NY. The barracks they have us in are nice, although anything better than a cardboard box or shelter half is a definite step up from the barracks at Ft. Sam. They are single person rooms, non-smoking, of course. I have a bathroom that I share with my next door neighbor, four storage closets, a desk and a king-sized bed. The bed is definitively the high point after months and months of sleeping on a hard single-sized bed although I do find myself picking a spot to sleep on and staying there all night long, lol. Literally an acre of bed to roll around on and I invariably end up next to the clock every morning. There are no restrictions on food or alcohol in the barracks and we can have overnight guests for up to a week before having to inform the chain of command. All in all, not so bad for this guy.

What can I say about the academy that hasn’t already been said? I know, this: The cadets are, without exception, retarded. Oh yeah. See, I had a solidly preconceived notion about the, er, quality of the kids that are selected to go here. Indeed, aside from the arduous first year, the hardest thing about this place is getting to come here. So, the kids that come here know a bit more about perseverance and responsibility than their counterparts at colleges and universities. That is where the differences end, no joke. Now, I live in a party-college town, CSUC is in fact THE party college in California. As a result, I am familiar with the asshatery that comes of college students who are given their first bit of freedom and subsequently lose their damn minds. Yup, they’re retarded. And so are the kids here, by and large. This example is a snippet of an actual conversation I had with one of my patients:

Them: My knees hurt.

Me: Well, did you do anything this weekend that could have possibly caused this?

Them: No, nothing out of the ordinary.

Me: What’s ‘ordinary’? (This question proved to be too complicated so I decided to simplify it by asking, “What did you do this weekend?”)

Them: I ran the Boston Marathon.

Me: You ran a marathon?

Them: Yeah, I’m on the marathon team!

Me: And you say your knees hurt? -This is followed by several moments of me blinking at them and them blinking right back at me. Its this whole blinking thing and it takes a bit of effort to break free of it.

Me: Stop running marathons.

Let me explain a bit here: after joining the army I had to learn how to run and now its a regular part of my life. I don’t hate it, its good for clearing your mind and it’s a great cardio workout. I run 2-3 miles every day. I do NOT run marathons. Every single long distance competition runner I’ve met has a lower body malady of some sort. 100 percent serious injury rate. And they all look like they need a YooHoo and a sandwich, stat. /sigh.

An MRI was ordered and after four short years of running marathons as a collegiate sport, this particular cadidiot needed meniscus graphs on both knees. 6-9 months of painful rehab later and she will likely want to start running marathons again.

Hmmm, what else? Ah, my counterpart (we will call him ‘Therefore’) and I visited the Big Apple and took in some of the sights. The thing I liked the best was Chinatown, it was awesome. We had lunch at a dimsum restaurant that offered cart service. If you have never had the pleasure, you should check it out! It was a fun way to be served and the food was amazing. Overall, the city was much cleaner than I was led to believe, probably thanks to ex-mayor Rudy. Times Square was magnificent and the NY public library was incredible. I rode a lion. Apparently, there’s a big statue somewhere in the harbor, but we’ll have to check that one out at another date.

I have also recently realized that while I am not especially fond of sick people, I seem to have a knack for medicine. The next big step for me education/army-wise is to submit a packet for the PA school. The only sad part is its back in San Antonio again for the didactic portion and then an internship at any of a dozen crappy postings. All told, it’ll be 2 years that I am out and about on Uncle Sam’s dime. That’s okay by me. Luckily, the soonest I could be accepted is spring of ’10. That leaves some wiggle room with regards to family and friends back home and, hey, it beats the hell out of 18 months in the big sandbox, ja? The more I realize that the army is a significant portion of my life, the more comfortable I become with the various rigors and challenges that are presented to me.

Not all has been good news, however. Recently I have had to mourn the passing of a wonderful relationship. Truth be told, it didn’t die so much as evolve into something different, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that my understanding of it evolved. Either way, it is not the same as I had once enjoyed and its loss saddens me. I still occasionally feel ghost sensations from it like the amputee who still feels his wedding ring.

Bah, enough of this maudlin nonsense.

Music-wise, I am still listening to the same stuff as always with the exception being the introduction of stripper-music, thanks to Therefore. My latest love affair is “Paper Planes” by M.I.A. There’s just something compelling about the music combined with her accent contrasted by the subtly adult lyrics. Her whole album is a bit off center, interestingly so.


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