Just imagine me saying that in my best Ian McKellen/Magneto voice. A while back I facetiously suggested that an American ‘muttaween’ would emerge to actively police immigration issues and other pro-national nonsense. Honestly, I was prognosticating with only half a heart simply to bring into stark relief something that was wholly alien to me. Well, my Cassandra-like ability to predict ass-hattery comes through for me again (no, never the lotto numbers… always just warnings for boots and rain slickers) with the
Maricopa County’s 250-man posse. These intrepid folks began their ‘round-up’ last week with the intention of incarcerating any illegals they find rather than deporting them. When I first heard about this I asked myself, “Why?” I mean honestly, what’s the point?
-Is it that the illegals gobble up too many of our national resources? Dragging on our national healthcare (lol) and the like? If that’s it then isn’t it more expensive to warehouse them… where they would get among other things… free healthcare?
-Is it a national sovereignty issue? That sort of flies in the face of the whole “Bring Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Day-Laborers” thing, doesn’t it?
-Could it be a national security issue? If that’s the case, I’d say that not only has the horse left the barn, the whole frickin barn has taken off as well. As was recently proven, whenever security has been tightened to the point of, lets face it, inconvenience, desperate and ingenious people will find will find a way around it… or, in this case, under it. Lets all hope that Al Qaeda can’t use a shovel.
Aw, ferget it, I’m gonna fool with my pool=/
By-the-by, the first night the 250-man posse was out doin their sacred duty, guess how many devious illegals they caught… just 1. Now, THAT’S an American bargain=)