Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ready For My Closeup?

I love these 40+ question ‘tests’ that are somehow able to distill your personality down into a simple, contrived and yet kitschy ‘lil package=) I, apparently, am an aging silent movie star… my guess is this must be the result of singing Erasure songs at the top of my lungs=)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mexican Apple Thief

It must be summertime… the little hairs on my arms are bleaching white, the smell of cocoa butter lotion is in the air and I have my first sunburn of the season=) Indeed, my coloring is now to the point where my wife looks at me hungrily and calls me her Mexican apple thief. Hmmm... perhaps now would be a good time to head down to AZ and wander the border trying to find people for the ACLU to sue... Anyways, I had been harboring an irrational hope that God, in Her infinite wisdom, would somehow shrink my waist when I started putting on my summer skin. This is born from the (obviously media-induced) idea that He would not allow a bronzed-beach-boy-of-the-summer to exist with a doughy physique. Pacific Islanders and other specific ethnic groups notwithstanding when was the last time you saw a fat, tanned guy or gal on TV? The TV wouldn’t lie to us, now would it? Feh- another foolish, quasi-religious belief bites the dust.

Yesterday I achieved another small victory in the pool wars – through hard work, chemistry and the wonders of the internet we are now able to see to the bottom of the pool! Yay! Before now, the best we could get was a really nice shade of Martha Stewart blue and about 3 feet of visibility- now I can see clearly all the places I’ve been missing when I sweep! Yay progress. Muchas thank-yous to Shel for that great site on pool maintenance=)

(The Bronze Beach Boys by PasCal)

Come on let's go
Let's not talk about tomorrow
You know who I am
And I love what you wear
Those gilded garments kill my sorrow!
So, come on let's go
(We'll) discuss it all tomorrow
But today…
We're gonna go out
Slap the day in the mouth
Like Bonnie Barker and Clyde Barrow!

Come on let's go, come on let's go, c'mon let’s go

We can be leaves pushed by the breeze
Towards the mountains or toward the sea
Or just out to eat
Please leave your notebooks at home
You can write all about it in the morning
Not today
We should go and catch air
Let the sun dye our hair
Like the bronze beached boys of the summer

Come on let's go, come on let's go, c'mon let’s go

We can be leaves pushed by the breeze
Towards the mountains or toward the sea
Or just out to eat

Come on let's go, come on let's go, c'mon let’s…
We can be like bees up in the trees
Fly over mountains and catch the breeze

Or we can sing strange romantic airs
Like those that flow through Aeolian harps
That caught Shelley's ear like…

Ba ba ba-ba ba ba, ba ba-ba-ba ba ba ba-ba ba ba

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Friday, May 12, 2006

The War Has Begun…

Just imagine me saying that in my best Ian McKellen/Magneto voice. A while back I facetiously suggested that an American ‘muttaween’ would emerge to actively police immigration issues and other pro-national nonsense. Honestly, I was prognosticating with only half a heart simply to bring into stark relief something that was wholly alien to me. Well, my Cassandra-like ability to predict ass-hattery comes through for me again (no, never the lotto numbers… always just warnings for boots and rain slickers) with the Maricopa County’s 250-man posse. These intrepid folks began their ‘round-up’ last week with the intention of incarcerating any illegals they find rather than deporting them. When I first heard about this I asked myself, “Why?” I mean honestly, what’s the point?
-Is it that the illegals gobble up too many of our national resources? Dragging on our national healthcare (lol) and the like? If that’s it then isn’t it more expensive to warehouse them… where they would get among other things… free healthcare?
-Is it a national sovereignty issue? That sort of flies in the face of the whole “Bring Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Day-Laborers” thing, doesn’t it?
-Could it be a national security issue? If that’s the case, I’d say that not only has the horse left the barn, the whole frickin barn has taken off as well. As was recently proven, whenever security has been tightened to the point of, lets face it, inconvenience, desperate and ingenious people will find will find a way around it… or, in this case, under it. Lets all hope that Al Qaeda can’t use a shovel.

Aw, ferget it, I’m gonna fool with my pool=/

By-the-by, the first night the 250-man posse was out doin their sacred duty, guess how many devious illegals they caught… just 1. Now, THAT’S an American bargain=)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Kind Of Meme

Not dead either! Just sort of tumbling around, doin’ the family/j-college thing. Truth be told, I’ve been immersed in dice-rolls, graduations, the Sandman (awesome, just frickin awesome) and my pool for a while. Recently I came up and saw a neat meme on my friend Trav’s sight that I thought I’d share.

It goes like this: go to wiki and type in your b-day (minus the year). Find 1 death, 2 births and 4 interesting facts about that day… here’s mine=)

1973 - Pearl S. Buck, American writer, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1892)

1968 - Moira Kelly, American actress
1619 - Cyrano de Bergerac, French soldier, poet (d. 1655)

2006 - South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds signs a bill into legislation that would ban most abortions in the state.
1992 - The Michelangelo computer virus begins to affect computers.
1981 - After 19 years presenting the CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite signs off for the last time.
1857 - The Supreme Court of the United States rules in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case.

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